On the way home from work today, I was listening to the start of the Phillies' game on the radio. After giving the lineups, the broadcaster said the names of the 4 umpires, not one of which I recognized!
Immediately, I began recalling some of the names of umpires from back in the day (National League only, as I grew up following the Phillies). Names like Shag Crawford, Harry Wendelstedt, Chris Pellakoudas, "Big" Lee Weyer, and Frank Pulli. The only AL umpire I can recall was Al Barlick (or maybe it was Al Bartlett). Other NL umps from the next generation were Eric Gregg, Joe West, and Jerry Crawford (Shag's son).
How about you all out there? Who are some of the NL or AL umps you can remember from the 60s and 70s?
(Please limit your answers to names from memory only! Looking guys up on the computer or in books detracts from any trivia exercise, in my view. The names above were retrieved from little-used brain cells, not Google.)